An URGENT report for BUTTERFISH was received Monday 1/22/18 at 12:00pm in CELL M50 (37*12/74*32) in 90 FA. Please avoid this area until 12:00PM on Wednesday 1/24/18
An HIGH report for BUTTERFISH was received Thursday 1/11/18 at 10:00PM in CELL AC34 (39*56/71*57) in 51 FA. Please avoid this area until 10:00PM on Saturday 1/13/18.
An URGENT report for BUTTERFISH was received Friday 12/22/17 at 3:15PM in CELL AB35 (39*42/72*01) in 80FA. Please avoid this area until 3:15PM on Sunday 12/24/17.
A HIGH report for butterfish was received Sunday 12/3/17 at 1PM in CELL Z37 (39.28/72.20) in 75FA. Please avoid this area until 1pm on Tuesday 12/5/17.
Copyright & copy; 2011, Coordinated by Cornell Cooperative Extension’s Fisheries Program in partnership with University of Massachusetts School for Marine Science and Technology, and University of Rhode Island Fisheries Center. Funded by National Marine Fisheries Service, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Northeast Cooperative Research Program.