Discussions > Longfin Squid to Re-open on Sept 1, 2012

NMFS has increased the butterfish ABC (related to the approval of framework 6 and the finalizing of 2012 specs - http://www.nero.noaa.gov/sfd/sfdsmb.html). This increased the cap that closes longfin squid, increased the butterfish landings quota, and increased the small-mesh (<3”) trip limit up to 2,000 pounds for limited access moratorium permit holders. If 3” or greater mesh is used the trip limit for now remains 5,000 pounds. There are no changes for incidental permits (600 pound trip limit). Associated Federal Register notices should publish on 8/27/12.
One indirect consequence is that longfin squid will re-open on September 1. It’s tough to predict how long the increased cap may last before longfin could be closed. If the longfin squid fishery is slow and butterfish bycatch is low, the higher cap could last the whole year. If longfin catches are strong and butterfish bycatch is high then it could be much shorter.

August 24, 2012 | Registered CommenterSquid Trawl Network