Discussions > Mackerel-Squid-Butterfish Ongoings - 2013 specs

Greetings All,

Just wanted to flag that the proposed rule for 2013 MSB specs has published and is available, along with supporting docs, at: http://www.nero.noaa.gov/regs/. The comment period ends “5 p.m., eastern standard time, on December 10, 2012.”

A few highlights:

Butterfish quotas are proposed to increase in 2013. While most catch is reserved for the cap on longfin, there is proposed to be at least some directed butterfish fishery for limited access permit holders, at least 1,028 mt with no trip limits. There are 3 phases described in detail in the proposed rule but the general idea is to allow some directed fishing and then dial the trip limits back in a way that should avoid ever going to super-low trip limits for limited access permit holders. The other major idea is that closure buffers start out large at the beginning of the year and then shrink as the year progresses.

Mackerel is proposed to be status quo and proposed to be status quo for 3 years (2013-2015), subject to positive review each year by the Council and its SSC. It looks like there might be an assessment in late 2014, which the Council could use in early 2015 to set 2016 specs. There was a pretty dismal Canadian assessment recently (http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/csas-sccs/Publications/SAR-AS/2012/2012_031-eng.html) that focused on their area and it’s not clear yet what (if any) implications it may have for our understanding of our portion of the stock. They set 2012-2013 quotas just about where ours are - http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/decisions/fm-2012-gp/atl-038-eng.htm.

The squids will be in year 2 of 3-year specs so no real changes to overall quotas, but there are a few proposed management tweaks, including reducing the call-in requirement for longfin squid from 72 hours to 48 hours. This was largely in response to input we received during Visioning that the 72-hour notification was excessive. There are also some changes to how the fishery closes that should avoid unnecessary closures right at the end of a Trimester.

Please consult the FR notice for the details…All for now, take care, Jason.

Jason Didden
(302) 526-5254 (direct)
(302) 397-1131 (cell)
(302) 674-5399 (fax)

November 20, 2012 | Registered CommenterSquid Trawl Network