Network Tiers
The Squid Trawl Network is assembled of 3 tiers; The Working Group, Planning Group and Outreach Group. This design allows for integration and coordination within the conservation engineering community and enables research efforts to be focused, directed, and ultimately more efficient. This multi-faceted approach includes increased oversight and regular guidance so experiments can be adjusted if necessary to reach research objectives. In order to optimize success rates of conservation engineering projects increased industry advisory capacity and collaboration with gear technologists is incorporated into the network.
Tier One – The “Working Group”
This core group is involved directly in all project activities. Scientists from UMass, URI, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Mass DMF and Rutgers University bring strong and successful accomplishments and capabilities in fisheries research, gear comparisons, fish behavior and extension services to the network. NEFSC scientists involved with Loligo squid and bycatch reduction will provide a standardization to research procedures. Multiple gear designers from Rhode Island and Massachusetts offer years of wisdom in gear design and construction. Industry vessel partners provide proficiency in commercial fishing activity and an at-sea knowledge that is unmatched.
Tier Two- The “Planning Group”
This advisory group includes additional institutions, commercial fishing enterprises, NMFS fisheries analysts and management council representatives to serve as counsel on research design, BRD design, stock assessment needs, management priorities and socio/economic impacts. The STN has recruited the expertise of prominent scientists such as Pat Sullivan from Cornell and Chris Glass from UNH for guidance in data analysis and fish behavior. NMFS staff, Patricia Clay and Andrew Kitts, have committed to the network to offer direction from the socio/economic standpoint. Multiple commercial fishing partners from Mass, RI and NY will serve on this group to provide recommendations on gear construction and fishing practices. Representatives from the MAFMC and NYSDEC will assist in prioritizing research goals to meet management recommendations. Greg Di Domenico of the Garden State Seafood Association (GSSA) will participate and represent the NJ component of the STN.
Tier Three- The “Outreach Group”
This group is comprised of the affected users including all SNE/MA small mesh fishermen, NMFS, MAFMC, NEFSC, ASMFC, NYSDEC, RIDEM, Mass DMF, GSSA. This group will allow for the completion of the network cohesive structure. All affected stakeholders will be informed of all research activity and results, accomplishing direct integration of new gear solutions. The extensive outreach component of the STN will allow this group to thrive through improved networking and communication channels.
In summary our network includes those entities that have a proven successful track record in the activities identified in the proposal. Incorporating these successful entities into a cohesive functioning network multiplies the likelihood of our success through the inherent efficiencies of a network. We will build upon and combine our successes. Additionally, the 3-tiered layered network allows us to expand our network partners, bring in additional expertise to various phases of the project, extend our knowledge and results to those who can benefit the most from those results and further secure the likelihood of success of the overall program.